
Overview on Dripping Springs Outdoor Lighting

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Did You Know Dripping Springs is an International Dark Sky Community? 

Since 2000, Dripping Springs has been a dark sky community after first adopting the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. Because of our work in keeping our skies beautiful at night, in 2014, Dripping Springs was the first city in Texas to be designated as an International Dark Sky Community, and the sixth one in the world. Since then, the City and its residents and business partners have diligently maintained that unique distinction.  

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Maintaining a night sky is not just for aesthetics. There are some important and practical reasons why maintaining a dark sky is important. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Improves security – brighter is not better. Here’s why:
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  2. Enhances Property Rights by
    1. preventing unwanted lights from intruding onto another’s property,
    2. prevent an owner’s ability to enjoy their property and the night sky,
    3. improves aesthetics and maintains the beauty of a property.
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  3. Reduces Harm to Wildlife & Plants. Such as:
    1. Orientation
    2. Biological Clock
    3. Circadian rhythm
    4. Mating & migration
    5. Sleep
    6. Pollination & night blooms
    7. Photosynthesis
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  4. Still need another reason? It SAVES MONEY! $$$$
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If you have questions on our Outdoor Lighting Ordinance, please reach out to us at